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Making music everyday

Playing my clarinet by the lake in Pickering, Ontario

I cannot imagine myself not making music after all these years, but for some, their music making journey ends – after high school graduation, after post-secondary, after having a family. People believe “they don’t have time”, “they feel rusty”, “I only did it in school”, etc. Through this journey, I want to encourage everyone to throw those stigmas away and pick up their instrument and sing again. There are many places in your neighbourhood that does just that – make music! Welcome to the world of community music making! I want to take people with me on my journey around the city to visit, attend and interview music-makers in our backyard.

Making music is the action of creating sound with an instrument or everyday things. It's your interaction with the environment, and in turn you feel something and you share something. Notes on the page or are making music everyday!

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